
Bioengineering challenges will be more dynamic and demand interdisciplinary approaches. In response to this challenge, the Faculty of Engineering at the Universitas Indonesia established the Institute for Biosystem and Bioengineering (IBB) as part of the Interdisciplinary Engineering Research Unit and launched in 2023. Currently, two research centers are actively doing research: the Research Center for Biomedical Engineering (RCBE) and the Research Center for Biomass Valorization (RCBV), as well as the Pertamina-Biofuel Laboratory and the Biological Systems Engineering Lab (BSEL).

The Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering (RCBE) was established in 2016. RBCE is a research center focused on biotechnology and medical technology. RCBE has main research interests include biomolecular and genomic engineering, biodiversity-based natural health product development, cell and biomaterials engineering, and medical devices and sensors.

The Research Center of Biomass Valorization (RCBV) was established in 2023. The establishment of this research center started with a grant from The Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (Badan Pengelola Dana Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit – BPDPKS). RCBV is a research center focused on processing and valorizing agricultural waste (lignocellulosic, lipid, organic, and inorganic waste) into chemical products that can be used as raw materials for agricultural-based industries.